الجمعة، 25 مارس 2016

Dog Training Tips: What Is Problem Behavior?

Many dog owners at one time or another become frustrated with their dog due to its behavior. There may be many reasons for this. It could be that the dog is destroying things through constant scratching and gnawing, or that it is going to the toilet in the house. It may be that it is violent, or threatening, to other dogs and pets or to humans. In any case where a dog's behavior is giving you reason for concern, you should always be ready to intercede and find a way to stop the behavior becoming a long-term problem.

Problem behavior in dogs is something that can make an owner feel very pressured. We all love our pets, and when they misbehave all that we want is for them to understand that it upsets us. We really would prefer that they would behave themselves all the time, but if they are going to step over the line occasionally we would at least hope that they desist the first time we request it. If they continue it, this is when it becomes "problem behavior". This is something that we all want to avoid.

If problem behavior becomes a major issue for you with your pet, you should sit down and consider why it is happening. Is your dog getting the right amount and kind of exercise? Does it get enough human interaction? Is there something in its diet which might be causing it to behave in a strange way? All of these issues need to be considered, as that allows us to address problem behavior.

Spoiling Your Dog - How Far Is Too Far?

Most pet owners will confess, if asked, to the fact that they do spoil their pet in terms of treats, feeding and cuddles. There is certainly no shame in this admission, in fact most of us would agree that it gets right to the heart of the matter - spoiling pets is half the reason for having them in the first place. Of course, this refers to "spoiling" in the sense that your pet is given treats regularly and made a fuss of. Sometimes spoiling can go too far, and lead to another kind of spoiling altogether.

A dog will respond to treats in exactly the way you wish it to, as long as you stick to the straight and narrow with how you distribute treats. If you hand it a treat every hour or more, it will simply see this as standard behavior. Its own behavior will become fairly lazy and it will have little incentive to display the behavior you had come to hope for. Treats can be given just for the sake of it, but they cease to be "treats" in any real sense once they become the norm.

You should keep a keen eye on how frequently you give your dog a doggy-chew or a bit of food unbidden. These treats can play a major part in how you train your dog, and if a morsel of food is just another bite to eat in a long day of eating and relaxing, it will grow lazy and not bother much with tricks and behavior, which is a shame for all concerned.

For more dog training tips and discounts on supplies and training equipment for your best friend, please visit us at http://train-my-own-dog.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Tanya_Sperl/2087961

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9354627

8 Superstitions About Cats That May Surprise You

Our mysterious feline friends have been revered, feared, loved and hated for thousands of years. Many superstitions have been created that relate to the allegedly good or bad luck that cats can bring. Below are eight superstitions that centre around that aforementioned luck.

Never Chase A Black Cat

Apart from it not being a very nice thing to do, it is held that chasing a black cat will bring the pursuer bad luck.Superstition has it that a woman who once chased a black cat from her door went on to lose twenty-three relatives over a period of several years.

If You Forget To Feed A Cat

Ever forgotten to feed your cat? Apparently it means that it is going to rain on Wednesday.

If by chance you did miss kitty's feeding time you will be able to get the heads up about Wednesday's rainfall as it has been said that rain is on its way if a cat's whiskers are drooping!

Stray Cat Strutting

If you find yourself being followed by a stray cat then be pleased... this is a sign of good luck.

Make Sure You Don't Do This

Superstition holds that it is bad luck to step on a cat and also that rheumatism will develop in a leg that kicks a cat. 
Stepping over a cat has also been associated with the bringing of bad luck.

Dream About Cats?

Yes, there are even superstitions about cats in dreams!

Allegedly if you find yourself dreaming about a tabby then this will bring good luck to your home, dreaming of a tortoise-shell cat means you are lucky in love and if you want to hit the jackpot financially or in business then it has been said that dreaming of a ginger cat is the way to go!

Cats On The High Seas

A superstition, amongst sailors, that has held for many years is that it is good luck to have a cat aboard the ship for the journey. Given the potential for rat infestations on board the old sailing vessels, it is understandable that our feline friends were seen as lucky.

Wedding Day Good Fortune

It is a sign that the marriage is to be a happy one if a cat sneezes near the bride on her wedding day.

Cats And Cold Weather

If a cat is laying down with all four of its paws tucked underneath while it is sleeping then this is said to be a sign that cold weather is approaching.

Savvy tips and interesting info for cat and dog lovers and professionals working with cats and dogs can be found on my blog here www.catanddogtips.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/John_Deeprose/57914

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9312134

5 Countries That Have Cat Superstitions And Legends That May Surprise You

Many people know a few superstitions about cats. Like many of you, I'm a bit of a 'trivia' geek and over the years most of the cat trivia that I have read that has centred around our feline friends has been fairly predictable and much of it is based on whether black cats are lucky or unlucky

While researching cat superstitions recently, I came across a few nuggets that I thought I would share with you.


In old Japanese folklore it was said that if a cat had a black mark on it's back then this was an indication that the soul of an ancestor was present and the black mark was deemed as sacred.

You may have seen the common image of the Japanese Bobtail cat with it's front paw raised. This was seen as a sign of good fortune in Japanese folklore.

Cat lovers will be pleased to hear that our feline friends in Japan are also believed to be a cure for epilepsy and bouts of melancholy as well!


In Italian folklore it was believed to be good luck when anyone heard a cat sneeze.


During the Middle Ages, ceramic cats were placed on the roofs off French homes to ward of evil spirits.Interestingly, there are still many homes in France that still have ceramic cats on their rooftops.

It has also been considered extremely lucky in France to find a black cat with a single white hair.


In Poland there is a legend that tells us of a group of kittens chasing butterflies next to a pond.The lively kittens fall into the pond and the kitten's mother is left crying at the side of the pond looking helplessly on.

The willow trees next to the pond proceeded to dip their branches so that the tiny kittens could grasp the branches and escape their certain demise.

Now, according to this charming Polish legend, every springtime that the furry buds on a willow branch appear it represents the kittens being saved and clinging to the willow branches and are now commonly known as 'pussy willows'


The Russians have an old tale in folklore that states that when a new cat is brought home if it is then thrown on a bed and proceeds to settle down then the cat is deemed to have found and made the house it's home and will be happy to stay around.

The Russian Blue cat breed are also considered to be a symbol of luck in Russia.

Savvy tips and interesting info for cat and dog lovers and professionals working with cats and dogs can be found on my blog here www.catanddogtips.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/John_Deeprose/57914

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9301668

Food for Aquarium Fish

Fish like all animals require food. The food they eat should contain all the ingredients necessary for healthy growth and wellbeing. Too often, owners give only one type of food to fish.

This results in deficiencies which result in stunted growth and other abnormalities.

Healthy fish should be vigorous in motion, bright-colored with proper proportions. Examine your fish regularly for any signs of poor nutrition.

To provide proper nutrition, it is first necessary to understand the dietary habits of fish. Some fish are carnivores (meat-eating). Some are herbivores (plant-eating). While most fish are omnivores (eating both plant and animal food).

Carnivorous fish need a protein based diet. These include dried worms, shrimp, etc. Herbivorous fish require plant-based food. Examples are Spirulina, peas, etc.

Hence, try to find out the natural food for the fish you keep. There are different types of fishfeed available in the market. If you have a community aquarium, it is best to add a mixture of animal based and plant-based food.

Adding natural plants to the aquarium gives a source of food to herbivorous fish.

Another reason for poor nutrition among fish is the wrong of choice of type of fishfeed. Fish feed can be broadly categorized into floating food and sinking food.

Choose the type of food depending on the fish you have. Surface floating food will not be accessible to fish living the middle regions or in the bottom. These fish will become malnourished. Sinking food which slowly sinks to the bottom gives a chance to these fish to have food.

Hence, provide a combination of floating and sinking food to your fish. Ensure that the food are in proper size. Small fish with their small mouths cannot handle big chunks of food. These fish will go hungry.

When food is added to fish. The food may float in the surface of the water. This makes the food available to surface fish which stay in the surface. However, there are many species of fish which do not come to the surface.

These fish will not get food. Hence, when feeding it is necessary to choose your food depending on the fish you have. Sinking Food is a special type of food which sinks once it is dropped into the tank. This ensures that middle level fish also get a chance to eat.

There are different types of sinking food depending on the rate of sinking.

If you have nocturnal fish, drop some food before switching the lights off. This will ensure that the fish which forage at night will be able to eat.

Flaked Food is fish food which has been made into flakes. The food is mixed and then extruded or heated which produces the layers known as flakes. Flakes are very popular among hobbyists. Virtually all types of fish food can be made into flakes. flaked food

The flakes are small in size and usually float in the water. This gives time for the fish to eat them. The Flake are usually fortified with minerals.

The size of the flake should be suitable for the fish. Small fish may not be able to eat large flakes.

Flakes usually come in sealed containers. They usually have a best-before date.

Store Flakes in a cool dry place. Moisture and light should not be allowed to reach the flake foods.

Austin Smith


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Aust_Smith/2170935

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9168200

Electric Blue Crayfish Care: Know How To Care For The Critter

Pet crayfish can be a really fun and interesting hobby. These little critters are really cool to watch. They move stones to burrow in. They climb up ornaments in the tank. The chase fish... And sometimes they fight other crayfish.

At any rate, when I bought my crayfish, I decided to get an electric blue crayfish because of their awesome color. It almost seems unnatural at first glance. From there, I had to learn the essentials of electric blue crayfish care if I was going to keep my little guy alive, happy and healthy.

We All Need a Home

The first thing I did before I even got my crayfish was to get a fish tank. Personally I recommend a fish tank of at least ten gallons. This is because once you get your crayfish, you are going to want to get him some tank mates. - Other fish that he can hang out with, chase and well, sometimes even eat. (It happens.)

Set Up the Tank

After you get your tank, you have to set it up. First you will add gravel, ornaments and a hideout for your crayfish. The hideout is needed so your crayfish can hide and burrow when he molts or else other fish and crayfish may attach him.

You will also need to cycle the tank and get its natural waste and toxin removal system going strong before you add any fish or crayfish to the tank. If not, you could end up killing everything. This would be no fun! Cycling your tank is an absolute necessary piece of electric blue crayfish care.

Tank Mates

You don't want your little guy to be alone. So you will want to get him some friends. Also, adding fish to the tank can make things much more interesting. There will be much more action.

One thing to remember though is that with a ten gallon fish tank, you will want to be careful about how many fish you put into the tank. Too many fish will produce too much waste. - And this can harm your fish.

When you do decide to go out and get some fish for your tank, you need to know which types of fish will work best with a crayfish. Crayfish love to eat fish of course, so if they get their claws on any of your fish, it's over. For this very reason, you will want to get fish who are fast and/or swim near the top of the tank. I recommend tiger barbs, hatchet fish, red tail shark, danios, etc.

Crayfish can make okay tank mates too, but crayfish are very territorial and can and will eat each other if push comes to shove. If you do get another crayfish, especially for a ten gallon, make sure you have a separate hideout for each and always make sure they are of the same species.

Crayfish Food

Feeding your critter is obviously a very important part of electric blue crayfish care. Crayfish are omnivores. They love to eat fish and they eat plants too. Personally I feed my crayfish a sinking wafer every day and give him a feeder fish from time to time.

That pretty much sums it up. If you pay attention to these four points outlined, you should have no problem with your crayfish.

Elvis writes about health, martial arts, dating, music... and well, blue crayfish.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Elvis_Jackson_Jr./1037306

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9356412

الخميس، 24 مارس 2016

Signs It Is Time to See a Veterinarian

Animals do not generally show pain and discomfort, so it can be difficult to tell if they are in need of a veterinarian's care. However, there are a few telltale signs that Fluffy or Fido needs to see a veterinarian as soon as possible. Here are some of the more common symptoms and how they are usually resolved.

If your normally quiet cat is suddenly pacing and restless, that is usually a sign something is wrong. Sometimes, your cat will suddenly take an interest in a new item in your house, but sometimes this can also be a sign that he or she is in pain. The only way to be sure is to take them to the vet to get a thorough physical to see what's going on. Often, it's little more than a toothache or something that is pretty easy to cure. Other times, it can be something more problematic, like a brain tumor.

Another sign your pet needs a veterinarian's care is if they are taking unusual steps to get your attention. For example, if your normally friendly pet is growling at you or someone else, or if they defecating or urinating where they don't normally do their business. Sometimes, dogs or cats will frequently bark or meow, and sometimes those barks or meows will sound different than what they normally do.

Conversely, sometimes your pet will hide from you if it's in pain. This is especially true of cats, but dogs and other animals are known to do this too. Your dog or cat might sleep more as well, and this is sometimes a symptom of a larger and more extreme problem. Calling your vet and getting a check-up scheduled is the best way to be sure your dog or cat is okay.

Does your dog or cat just look uncomfortable? If your dog is sitting in a funny, hunched over position or if your cat is curled up and seems very tense, sometimes these are even more signs that you need to call your veterinarian as soon as possible to get your dog or cat checked out. Again, this might signify a small problem or a larger one, but the only way to tell is by having your pet examined by a professional veterinarian.

Finally, check your pet's breath. If it is much worse than usual, this can sometimes mean that there's a problem with your pet's teeth. Your pet might need to have its teeth cleaned or a few teeth pulled in order to remedy the problem.

Sara Fisher independently authors articles for SEM clients like veterinarian and pet care specialists Victoria Veterinary Care: http://www.victoriavet.net/. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author only and not those of any other person, company or organization. No guarantee or warranty, express or implied, is made regarding the accuracy, fitness or use of the content herein. For more information on veterinarian services and pet care, call 952-443-3138.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Sara_L_Fisher/1749039

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9303273

Is That Support Animal Really Necessary?

Service dogs are amazing. They have been extensively trained, live strict but loved lives, and take care of their owners like truly no one else can. The dogs' abilities to detect seizures, pick up dropped items, and even warn owners of impending stroke or heart attack make these dogs literally life savers.

With all the amazing things these animals can do, it's no wonder we have learned to accept them in places we usually wouldn't, like a restaurant or the office. But there is a growing cynicism towards service and support animals in general, and mostly because of misunderstanding, and I'll admit that I used to be one of these people.

I was not raised in a house with pets, and I never could understand the "emotional support animal". I could understand a seeing eye dog or a dog that assists with the hearing impaired, but these are obvious needs that a dog could help with. When I would see articles about an emotional support pig or bunny, I would roll my eyes.

Then, my husband was deployed to a war zone and less than 2 years later we were navigating our life with our newest addition who has special needs. My eyes were opened. My son's special needs aren't obvious. He looks like a healthy toddler, and physically he is. But he suffers from what we refer to as an invisible illness. His brain and senses do not connect properly, causing all kinds of issues, one being complete meltdowns that are almost uncontrollable unless we can find something to catch his attention, usually a fan or strobe light.

My friend, however, has a dog who acts as an emotional support dog to her autistic child and I saw how my son immediately attached to her. He calmed around her. I also saw that dog do the same thing with anyone who was emotional, including my husband whom tried to hide his ongoing inner battle. This dog was never trained, but was actually just picked out at the shelter after making a connection with her family.

I remember thinking that anything that could bring my two guys comfort and help would be amazing, even if it was a gecko. I started looking at sites and reading and was amazed to find how many people felt like I used to, that these weren't necessary, that emotional support animals are ludicrous or laughable. But they aren't.

Every day, people suffer from invisible illnesses that these amazing animals help with. They aren't always trained, but are a loving companion that can bring relief to their owners' suffering and these people and animals often are treated with prejudice. It does seem silly that a turkey can bring comfort to a guy on a plane, but we just don't know and should refrain from thinking we do.

Brianna Childs
We provide safe and humane training tools for your dogs. Check out the above link to find out more!

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